I have also lost over 50 to 60 points. I have not got any back. It seems that alot of people loose their points. TIme to look for another sight to look at movies.
You need to download movies and THEN watch from file. No probs ever.
Brilliant film, devastating story and it-s about to happen all over again. Bote for Bernie Sanders. Try and find Brad Pitt.Movie worked fine all the way through by some miracle. I think the audio would have been bad if I didn-t have speakers.
Great film. Good quality, no buffering/resets. Probably due to adequate bandwidth...
Peace of shit stopped 24 min from end. More points gone , happens on most new movies
Yeah good luck with that. I have had over 75-100 points stolen I reported all the time tirelessly but they just keep steeling them. 50 some points when my one episode kept restarting.... Needless to say, I never even got through half of that episode and it was stated that it restarted more than it actually did. I have exhaused all possible ways of contacting this site for help and reports but they don't acknowledge their faults. Not impressed at all with this part of the site!
Bad quality, and volume is super low. Want my points back.